ACCS has special methods in imparting CQB Training for Counter Terrorism Operations.
CT Exercises may be conducted at CQB distance with the following features:
- Two Team Exercises, playing Terrorist & CT Force
- Double Blind, each unaware of other
- In Unknown Terrain over 5-10 km area
- In darkness of night
- Each Team is at liberty to plan its Strategy & Tactics
- Unplanned & Unpredictable outcome
- Full resources - Explosives, Vehicles, Ammo &Communications
Many a time, the Principle of LRTS (Live Round Tactical Simulation) may be used, especially for training Special
Forces in Storming Operations.
In this, Live Rounds may be used by both Teams & fired at the Storming location in each others directions at
Fig 11 Targets interspersed on each side at safe distances.
The Exercise, if conducted needs to be carefully controlled to prevent training mortality. This risk is however
worth the realism generated in training.
This trg is only meant for Special Forces, who generally exercise an independent decision on their training methodology.
We have trained Special Forces, Special Group, Commando Wing & other Secret Elite Special Operation Forces with LRTS
on their invitation.