The UCCA along with Col BL Sharma (retd) has published a limited edition of a book on ACCS Close Combat methods
for sole use by Indian forces which was gifted to the Home minister & various Indian forces. This is UCCA's contribution
to the Nation and we are not accepting any reimbursement, not even the cost of production from the country.

I have been an eye witness to the steady and dedicated progress made by this enthusiastic couple Dr.
Deepak Rao and Dr.( Mrs). Seema Rao. They both were a gift to the Police Department by Shri A.V. Krishnan (IPS),
former Director General of Police, Maharashtra, way back in the early 1990s. Starting with modernization of unarmed combat,
they went charging ahead like die hard commandos, gaining new knowledge landmarks and never looked back.
Col. B.L. Sharma (retd) who was the first Commander of the elite Special Group has a vast field experience
behind him. His restless keenness to contribute to the countrys efforts in countering terror is reflected in
the making of this book.
Terrorism today has left its foot-print practically almost everywhere in the world. India in particular
is in the throes of mindless violence by a new breed of brain washed but highly dedicated new generation terrorists
who are fast acquiring an ability to strike at will. They are freely using sophisticated ieds and more commonplace
component chemicals to assemble their bombs. Their targets essentially are urban and so are their hide outs. The
terrorists are intensely trained in use of fire arms and also in unarmed combat. It was painfully experienced
by me during handling of some operations. The need therefore of new techniques of using fire arms and formation
of smaller and well trained specialized QRTs is hardly overstressed. In an urban terrorist situation speed,
reduction of collateral damage in the form of reduced or minimal civilian casualties and reduced ops duration
are need of the hour. Element of surprise and stealth along with deployment of lesser number of well trained
armed personnel do form a part of this package.
Since the war on terror is going to be a long drawn one , we need to sharpen and refine our methods
along with methods of gathering intelligence. I am sure this book would certainly be useful towards achieving
this goal.
In the end I would fail in my duty if I do not place on record my grateful thanks to our Armed Forces
who with open arms received these two enthusiastic and patriotic medical professionals and encouraged them.
Shri VN Deshmukh IPS
Addl Director General of Police (retd)
Shri VN Deshmukh has served as Joint Commissioner, Mumbai Police, Joint Director Intelligence Bureau, Commissioner State
Intelligence and Chairman Maharshtra Public Service Commission.
Shri V N DESHMUKH IPS, Addl Director General of Police (retd) Shri VN Deshmukh
has written the foreword for the book and has always been a constant source of encouragement in our journey of modernization
of CQB.
DR. KOMAL VS, Dep Dir (Adam) The organization wishes to give her credit for having overseen the entire
process of the script work from conception to completion.
DR. SHEETAL MANIAR , Dep Dir (Coord) Thanks for all
the work support, coordination and office management to keep the project rolling..
Dr. SANJAY PANDEY, Unarmed Combat
Instructor of UCCA Dr. Sanjay is the Publisher of this book. Sanjay has personally taken time from his busy schedule as
a builder to keep a watchful eye at every stage of publishing this book.
RITESH REDDY, Creative Artist & UAC Instructor
Ritesh worked tirelessly day & night, on the artwork, to give the book an original unique layout. He has charged no
fee for this, as he believes this is his contribution to the country.
DR. VM KOTHARI, MD, Professor Intensive Medicine,
KEM Hospital Mumbai Dr. Vatsal has authored the article EMERGENCY PARAMEDIC AID& we are grateful to him for his contribution
MRS ANJALI BHIMRAJKA, Director, Bhimrajka Impex Ltd who helped us in procuring the ISBN for this book
HEERESH SHARMA, Unarmed Combat Instructor
who helped in creating the section on UAC
Last but not the least Prof. Dr. R. A. SINARI & MRS JANAKI
ANNAJI RAO Both individuals, in their 80s, are responsible for strongly influencing the Rao couple to put their research
down in print for the benefit of future generations of the Forces.